Destiny Dreams: Joseph
Sometimes, when God gives us glimpses of our destinies, He doesn’t give us the whole pictures, but He does give us the grace and strength to walk us into what He has prepared for us. God is always speaking, and He speaks in various ways. Believers are tasked to ask and seek all the ways […]
Porn and Child Sex Slavery: What Can We Do About the Sickness of Our Culture?
So, what is the answer? We know the true answer for sin and sickness of the soul is only Jesus/Yeshua Messiah. Internet Porn is creating sex addicts and deviants in numbers never seen before. The way porn addiction works is similar to drugs. You start with less potent/soft stuff and before long that isn’t working […]
Your Kingdom Come: Fruit of the Spirit as Weapons of War
If Christians knew the effects of their prayers and decisions, I’d wager they would live more intentionally in many areas of their lives. “But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions: joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that […]